If you see my calendar tab I should have raced last Saturday. Unfortunately due to my exams and my lack of swim consistency in the last month I talked with my coach and we agreed that I'm going to do some smaller stuff: some triathlons, some bike races (100mile race on the 5th of June) some open-water training and racing and some running races.

Suprising or not since last wednesday I can't walk. Or even think to run. Fortunately I can ride and swim! I have like a pain in the outside of my right foot.
I was recovering slowly but yesterday went to London to vote for the Portuguese elections (and had the opportunity to see the Football Champions League Cup and to stay like 200 meters from Obama - he was inside the Buckingham Palace) when I arrived home the pain in my foot was there again!
Come on tendon I want to run again asap!
3 messages:
1 step back, two forward (we hope).
All the best.
Infelizmente, as lesões fazem parte da vida de um atleta.
Rápidas melhoras!
Um abraço.
Obrigado João! Obrigado Pedro! Está a melhorar aos poucos!
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